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(08) 8168 0700
“For students, two significant impacts have been the deepening and strengthening of their valuing of and engagement in collaborative learning, and their fluency and sophistication of their understanding of themselves as learners and the strategies they employ to optimise their learning, including their use of a language of learning”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
Anthony Micallef
Mark Corgat
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary to the Board of Trustees
David Carroll
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Anthony Micallef is the 12th headmaster of Brisbane Grammar School, commencing in the role in 2014. He is a graduate of the University of Sydney and has also completed a sabbatical at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Anthony has taught in several independent boys’ schools in Brisbane and Sydney where he fulfilled leadership roles in the academic, student wellbeing and co-curricular domains. For the past 25 years, he has served Brisbane Grammar School in a number of key leadership roles. He combines his strong academic, pastoral and sporting background with a collaborative style of leadership and an ardent belief in creating an inclusive educational environment where individual strengths can be encouraged and nurtured.
Anthony Micallef
Mark Corgat joined BGS in 2017. His finance career spans more than 30 years, including tenures with KPMG and Ernst & Young; 10 years in the corporate finance function of Jupiters Limited (hotel and gaming group) including as director of finance; nine years in the corporate function of Holcim Limited (the world’s largest producer of cement) including six years as global head of standards and accounting principles based in Zurich, Switzerland; and most recently as CFO and company secretary of Migas Limited, a not-for-profit charitable enterprise dedicated to training and qualifying trade apprentices throughout Australia. Mark is a Chartered Accountant (Australia) and has worked in several teaching capacities for both the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Griffith University. He is a member of the Management Committee of the Queensland Association of School Business Administrators.
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary to the Board of Trustees
Mark Corgat
David Carroll commenced working at Brisbane Grammar School in 2014. His career has focused on student wellbeing, an area where he has held senior leadership positions since 1998. David focuses on establishing a system of individual care, where boys are mentored within a safe, supportive, and connected environment. In 2021, his role was extended to include responsibility for the day-to-day running of the School, with a particular focus on the Senior School.
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
David Carroll
“For students, two significant impacts have been the deepening and strengthening of their valuing of and engagement in collaborative learning, and their fluency and sophistication of their understanding of themselves as learners and the strategies they employ to optimise their learning, including their use of a language of learning”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
“Our initial foci have reflected a focus on teacher’s classroom practices. The next steps involve directing more attention to both our academic middle leaders and our students”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
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Award Winner
“Our initial foci have reflected a focus on teacher’s classroom practices. The next steps involve directing more attention to both our academic middle leaders and our students”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
“For students, two significant impacts have been the deepening and strengthening of their valuing of and engagement in collaborative learning, and their fluency and sophistication of their understanding of themselves as learners and the strategies they employ to optimise their learning, including their use of a language of learning”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
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Award Winner
Ed Roper
Deputy Headmaster, People and Culture
Ed Roper joined the School as the ICT curriculum support teacher and teacher of mathematics in 1982. Since then, he has been a boarding housemaster, head of year, head of mathematics, and, in the early 2000s, planned and led the introduction of middle schooling at BGS. He commenced in the role of deputy headmaster in 2006 within the staffing and community relations area, and in his current role in 2021.
Deputy Headmaster, People and Culture
Ed Roper
Steve Uscinski
Deputy Headmaster, Teaching and Learning
Steve Uscinski leads the team of the studies directorate. In his more than 20 years at BGS, he has served as a teacher of English, coach of rugby and cricket, director of the senior dramatic production, boarding housemaster, school administrator and curriculum innovator and leader.
Deputy Headmaster, Teaching and Learning
Steve Uscinski
Professor Martin Westwell defines innovation as “something new, something with value and something that is put into practice to achieve that value”.
At Blair Athol North B-6 School (BANB6), staff have built a strong foundation for innovation that meets these three criteria and provides young people with opportunities to explore, investigate and innovate in all learning areas.
In the past 12 months, BANB6 has secured a $150,000 Green Adelaide Grassroots grant to develop a Raingarden and Nature Education/Outdoor Learning Space, implemented a weekly ‘Sustainability’ learning session for every class, and set up a professional podcast recording suite that students can use.
“Our initial foci have reflected a focus on teacher’s classroom practices. The next steps involve directing more attention to both our academic middle leaders and our students”
Dr Hannah Campos-Remon, Brisbane Grammar School
Greg Thorne
Deputy Headmaster, Co-curricular
Jacqui Zervos
Executive Director, Educational Innovation
Rebecca Campbell
Head of Middle School
Inma Beaumont
Executive Director Advancement and Community Relations
Greg Thorne joined BGS in January 2019. He is an experienced educational leader with a broad range of proficiencies. He has expertise in student wellbeing roles, curriculum leadership and school administration. Greg was part of the senior leadership team at Nudgee College for eight years, most recently as the director of activities for sport and culture. He has also been chairperson of multiple GPS Association sub-committees.
Deputy Headmaster, Co-curricular
Greg Thorne
Jacqui Zervos joined the School in 1995 as a teacher of geography and history, having completed her initial teacher qualification at The University of Queensland in 1987 and then spending seven years teaching with Education Queensland. She is well known as a passionate and exemplary teacher of geography and took on the position of head of year in 2001. During the following five years as head of year, Jacqui completed her Master of Education at UQ with a major study into boys’ education. She was appointed head of middle school in 2006. In 2018, she was seconded to her current position and in 2020 was confirmed as executive director, educational innovation on a permanent basis from 2021.
Executive Director, Educational Innovation
Jacqui Zervos
Rebecca Campbell joined BGS in mid-2013 as the School’s first head of Years 5 and 6. She has spent the past 15 years working in GPS boys’ schools. A dedicated educator, she is committed to creating a positive learning culture that supports the holistic development of each student. Rebecca is a graduate of the University of Newcastle, where she completed a master’s degree specialising in educating boys. In recent years, she has attained a Professional Certificate in Instructional Leadership through the University of Melbourne. Rebecca fulfilled the head of middle school role in Term 1 2017 and from 2018 to 2020. She was appointed to the position of head of middle school in 2021.
Head of Middle School
Rebecca Campbell
Inma Beaumont joined BGS at the beginning of 2020. She is an experienced advancement professional, having implemented fundraising and engagement operations for three different units over six years at The University of Queensland. Inma led the fundraising campaign to renovate the Forgan Smith Building, home to the TC Beirne School of Law at UQ. She subsequently spent three years as director of advancement at the UQ Faculty of Health, where she conceived and delivered a major gifts program. Her fundraising experience follows a 15-year career in finance, including as CFO of Citibank Australia. She is a non-executive director of UN Women Australia, Speech Pathology Australia and Women’s College at UQ.
Executive Director Advancement and Community Relations
Inma Beaumont
Diana Godfrey joined Fidelity in 1995, and is currently the senior vice-president, human resources and corporate affairs. She has 27 years of industry experience and has driven innovation and transformative changes to employee benefits, talent development, charitable and diversity and inclusion programs, which have strengthened Fidelity Canada’s position as a top caring employer. She championed the implementation of Fidelity Canada’s value proposition, committed to improving the employee experience to meet their individual needs and the community at large. Fidelity Canada has been recognized with multiple employer awards and designations, which celebrate its work culture and atmosphere, corporate philanthropic initiatives, and health and benefits, to name just a few.
Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs
Diana Godfrey (she/her/hers)
Cameron Murray is the senior vice president, client services and CIO for Fidelity Investments Canada ULC. In this capacity, he oversees both technology and operations for the organization in Canada. He joined Fidelity in December 1999 as Vice President, Systems Operations. He currently serves as a member of the board of directors for FundSERV, where he has been an executive committee and board member since 2002. He is also on the board of directors for Fidelity Investments Canada ULC.
Senior Vice President, Client Services and Chief Information Officer
Cameron Murray
Sarah M Stewart has more than 15 years
of strategic leasing and customer care experience in residential property management. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Centurion’s national leasing platforms, residential lead generation, and overall customer experience excellence through operation
of the company’s internal customer
service department.
Associate Vice President,
Leasing and Call Centre Operations
Sarah M Stewart
Sarah M Stewart
Associate Vice President,
Leasing and Call Centre Operations
Karen Bannister, CM
Vice President, Marketing
Dave Longbottom
Chief Technology Officer
Alex Ventura
Head of Marketing
Damian Palovick
Senior Vice President of Underwriting
AXA XL – Delegated Authority Programs, North America
Dr. Mary Lavoie
Head of Risk Management and Senior Vice President
AXA XL – Delegated Authority Programs, North America
Mark Bernacki
Chief Underwriting Officer
Ryan Armijo
Chief Operating Officer, Underwriting Division
Bob Petrilli
President, Underwriting Division
Some significant positive impacts on both students and teachers at BGS have been observed as a result of the project, said Dr Campos-Remon.
“There has been a systematic engagement in ongoing professional learning focused on annual pedagogical priorities, spaced through the year, based in collaborative professional conversation, and supported by a cohort of peer lead learners,” she said.
“In addition, our previous professional culture has been enriched through an emphasis on collaborative professionalism, consistent use of an evidence-informed language of learning, and a structured focus on intentionality in planning for and implementation of classroom practices that support students’ effective thinking.”
Dr Campos-Remon also noted “a school-wide focus on optimising the learning value of BGS’s classroom cultures”.
“For students, two significant impacts have been the deepening and strengthening of their valuing of and engagement in collaborative learning, and their fluency and sophistication of their understanding of themselves as learners and the strategies they employ to optimise their learning, including their use of a language of learning.”
Dr Campos-Remon said the school’s biannual evaluations of progress have informed the project’s work throughout.
“Our initial foci have reflected a focus on teacher’s classroom practices. The next steps involve directing more attention to both our academic middle leaders and our students,” she said.
Dr Campos-Remon said this would involve strengthening the school’s focus on the development of the pedagogical leadership of its academic middle leaders, and a stronger focus on the use of data to give deeper attention to the student experience.
“This includes the leadership of and engagement in cohort-level research, and their development of their individual capacity for and use of self-regulation of their learning activities,” she said.
“BGS will also be developing strategies to optimise the induction of both new staff and new students to the expectations and practices associated with our Effective Thinking Cultures.”
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IB Top Brokerages
Award Winner
Award Winner
Sarah M Stewart has more than 15 years
of strategic leasing and customer care experience in residential property management. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Centurion’s national leasing platforms, residential lead generation, and overall customer experience excellence through operation
of the company’s internal customer
service department.
Associate Vice President,
Leasing and Call Centre Operations
Alexis Hill
Chief Information Officer
Alexis Hill joined BGS in April 2022 as the School’s first chief information officer to lead the Digital Transformation Program, which aims to use technology and data to enhance student outcomes. As a senior executive with over 14 years of experience in commercial and government industries, she has substantial experience in digital transformation leadership. Alexis has held CIO and director roles that focused on driving technological and organisational change in complex environments. She holds a Bachelor of Business degree and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Chief Information Officer
Alexis Hill
‘Being, becoming and belonging’
Principal Darren Stevenson says since its inception, BANB6 has focused on creating a culture of shared responsibility to support and encourage life-long learning for all members of the school community.
“All children have the capacity to become powerful learners and our focus on Belonging through making connections, Being through recognising children’s strengths, and Becoming through providing intellectual stretch are at the core of what drives our teaching and learning,” he says.
“BANB6’s focus on sustainability education reflects this by providing all children at BANB6 with opportunities to engage with each other, their environment and their community in order to develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions they will need to thrive in an increasingly complex future.”
Over the last 12 months, BANB6 has ensured that every one of its students has access to at least one weekly ‘Sustainability’ focus session where they learn with peers in cross-age groups.
“Our Raingarden and Nature Education project provides all children with an engaging and interactive space to engage with the outdoors, complementing our Kitchen Garden program and our ongoing work with Green Adelaide and the Adelaide National Park City initiative,” says Sam Anderson, the school's Leader of Innovative Pedagogies.
“Through these partnerships, BANB6 recently participated in a Green Adelaide/ANPC project which saw us explore how we could ‘connect communities through nature’. As a result, we held a successful event which enabled our children to share sustainable initiatives and practices with their families and the wider community.”
BANB6 has also set up a professional mobile podcast recording suite for its students to introduce them to new ways of creating content and sharing their thinking, learning and understanding with a wider audience.
“Children have used the space to record a series of ‘BANB6 Trash Talk’ podcasts focusing on sustainability issues, the most recent of which was a special on bees and the Flow Hive which will soon be installed in our Kitchen Garden space,” says Anderson.
“Learners have recorded mindfulness scripts which are available for BANB6 Learning Advisors to download and use with their studios. Many of our students who require extra support access the suite to record a range of audio content.”